Note: This article has been translated from Italian by ChatGPT and may contain errors.
I often come across racist comments towards those who decide to platinum a video game on a PlayStation console, as if “platinum hunters” are sick and unpleasant individuals who don’t actually enjoy a game but are addicted to a useless and virtual trophy. I wonder: What the hell is your problem? Huh? Let’s clear things up and explain why platinuming games is not something to be ashamed of, but rather, in the sea of shallowness we often live in, it’s something to be proud of.
A Moment of True Enjoyment
I’ve mentioned before that I enjoy platinuming games, and now I want to explain why there’s absolutely nothing wrong or perverse about this practice. First of all, though, it’s important to say one thing: if someone approaches a game solely with the intention of platinuming it (maybe even watching guides before playing and spoiling the entire experience), then we can agree that this borders on a pathological case. Let’s say it’s not the healthiest way to enjoy video games, but in the end, everyone is free to play however the hell they want, right? That being said, I feel a bit sorry for and amused by the “great” players who boast about not having any platinums and therefore truly enjoying a game, having real fun (and here you can tell they’re talking about something they have no clue about). Let me reveal a secret: those who platinum games often enjoy them even more than others.
Let’s make things clear: one can definitely enjoy a game just like you “elite” folks without even thinking about trophies and then, AFTERWARDS, only AFTER having finished it and thoroughly enjoyed it, decide to go for the trophies. This is my way of approaching video games: I first indulge in it wholeheartedly without any thoughts, then, after finishing it for the first time, I replay it (if necessary) and start collecting the trophies. And yes, for many, this might seem trivial (just like those who derive pleasure from useless likes on social media), but achieving a platinum gives me personal satisfaction. It serves no purpose, that’s true, nobody checks my trophy collection, yes, no one cares how many platinums I have, okay, and in fact, who cares! I do it for myself because I enjoy it, it fulfills me, it gives me the feeling of having completed and fully explored the experience, more so than those who decide to ignore the trophies and often leave games unfinished. I find that approach quite superficial, but, as mentioned, everyone is free to do as they please. There’s no right or wrong way to play.
Among the positive aspects of trophies, they encourage you to thoroughly explore a game. Achieving a platinum gives a sense of accomplishment, makes titles much more enduring, and allows you to make the most of every aspect. Sometimes they push you to undertake real challenges, whether it’s a prohibitively difficult level or a test of skill, turning some platinum trophies into demonstrations of one’s prowess. And if there are those who brag about having a thousand platinums, good for them, what’s wrong with that? As a player, having a good number of platinums is still an added value. It means you’re a gamer who doesn’t give up, who doesn’t leave things half-done, who puts in passion, dedication, commitment, and not shallowness (unlike the majority of others). And yes, perhaps it requires a lot of time, but often that’s just an excuse. If you want to and you prioritize it, you’ll find the time (of course, everyone has their priorities, that’s clear and fair). My impression, right or wrong, is that those who disdain trophies are often people who simply don’t want to put in the effort, and some might even be a bit envious. And that’s perfectly fine. Everyone should do as they damn well please without being a pain in the ass. My opinion, however, is this: it’s better to thoroughly complete a few games than to start and abandon dozens. A bit due to lack of motivation, a bit due to lack of money, a bit due to my selectivity. I hardly buy many titles in a year anymore, and I struggle to understand the approach of those who accumulate games without even starting them, maybe. Perhaps they find satisfaction in compulsive buying, finding the same sense of fulfillment that I have when achieving a platinum. To each their own, in short, although you won’t be able to get the idea out of my head that it’s sillier to spend money in vain than to thoroughly delve into a title.
Among the negatives is definitely the presence of some trophies that add nothing to the experience but are needlessly tedious (and this also depends on the skill of the developers). To give an example: I hate collectibles, but for trophies, I always have to follow guides and collect them all (and collectibles rarely turn out to be interesting; but they still make more sense than other crappy trophies, like accumulating huge amounts of money or other nonsense). Another drawback is that some trophies can be too difficult for your abilities, forcing you to abandon the pursuit of platinum and leaving you with a sense of incompleteness and failure. It’s true, sometimes (not as often as you might think), platinuming a game can be a hassle, but the satisfaction of achieving 100% is enough to repay the efforts. I recently experienced this with The Quarry. It’s not a difficult platinum, but it requires a lot of patience as you need to finish the game at least four times (in addition to the first playthrough without thinking about trophies). The main problem is that you can’t skip the cutscenes, and watching the same “movie” five times in a row can be exhausting (especially because, while passable, it’s not exactly beautiful). No one is obligated to do it, obviously, and I’m not complaining because it’s a personal choice, and the platinum made the effort worthwhile. Plus, I explored the experience in ways I wouldn’t have without the trophies. I probably would have played it a couple of times and that’s it.
Dedication, passion, consistency, perseverance, and commitment. “But I play to have fun!” “Great! I play first to have fun just like you do, and then I also bother to earn a useless trophy. And I assure you that, in the end, this part is still rewarding.” And that comes from someone who doesn’t primarily seek challenges in games (that’s one reason why I’ve never been attracted to souls-like games, although I did play Bloodborne). I much prefer emotions, compelling stories, enjoyment, and leisure over frustration.
The truth is this: trophies, platinum, are neither inherently bad nor good, they’re not a rare and contagious disease. Like all things, the problem often lies in people’s unhealthy approach, but trophies don’t ruin the experience; they’re simply an addition, an extra to extend the game that each player is free to ignore or not. Everything else is just bullshit. Case closed.